
* पुनि प्रनवउँ पृथुराज समाना। पर अघ सुनइ सहस दस काना॥
बहुरि सक्र सम बिनवउँ तेही। संतत सुरानीक हित जेही॥5॥
भावार्थ:-पुनः उनको राजा पृथु (जिन्होंने भगवान का यश सुनने के लिए दस हजार कान माँगे थे) के समान जानकर प्रणाम करता हूँ, जो दस हजार कानों से दूसरों के पापों को सुनते हैं। फिर इन्द्र के समान मानकर उनकी विनय करता हूँ, जिनको सुरा (मदिरा) नीकी और हितकारी मालूम देती है (इन्द्र के लिए भी सुरानीक अर्थात्‌ देवताओं की सेना हितकारी है)॥5॥
* बचन बज्र जेहि सदा पिआरा। सहस नयन पर दोष निहारा॥6॥ 
भावार्थ:-जिनको कठोर वचन रूपी वज्र सदा प्यारा लगता है और जो हजार आँखों से दूसरों के दोषों को देखते हैं॥6॥
38.39.Again, I bow to him as the celebrated king Parthu (who prayed for ten thousand ears
in order to be able to hear the glories of the Lord to his hearts content) in as much as
he hears of other's faults with the thousand ears as it were. Once more do I supplicate
to him as Indra (the lord of celestials) in so far as wine appears charming and beneficial
to him (even as the army of gods is beneficent to Indra).‡ Harsh Ianguage is dear to
him even as the thunderbolt is fondly cherished by Indra; and he detects other's faults with a thousand eyes as it were. (5-6)

‡ There is a pun on the expression Suranika the original Suranika (Sura+Anika) is a compound word in Sanskrit, meaning the army of the gods. In Hindi it can as well be treated as two separate words Sura(wine) and Nika(charming). Hence it has been interpreted both ways in the above rendering.

जय श्री राम।
*Read Ramayan 11 and Ramayan 12 before this.


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