
चौपाई :
* मज्जन फल पेखिअ ततकाला। काक होहिं पिक बकउ मराला॥
सुनि आचरज करै जनि कोई। सतसंगति महिमा नहिं गोई॥1॥
भावार्थ:-इस तीर्थराज में स्नान का फल तत्काल ऐसा देखने में आता है कि कौए कोयल बन जाते हैं और बगुले हंस। यह सुनकर कोई आश्चर्य न करे, क्योंकि सत्संग की महिमा छिपी नहीं है॥1॥
* बालमीक नारद घटजोनी। निज निज मुखनि कही निज होनी॥
जलचर थलचर नभचर नाना। जे जड़ चेतन जीव जहाना॥2॥
भावार्थ:-वाल्मीकिजी, नारदजी और अगस्त्यजी ने अपने-अपने मुखों से अपनी होनी (जीवन का वृत्तांत) कही है। जल में रहने वाले, जमीन पर चलने वाले और आकाश में विचरने वाले नाना प्रकार के जड़-चेतन जितने जीव इस जगत में हैं॥2॥
* मति कीरति गति भूति भलाई। जब जेहिं जतन जहाँ जेहिं पाई॥
सो जानब सतसंग प्रभाऊ। लोकहुँ बेद न आन उपाऊ॥3॥
भावार्थ:-उनमें से जिसने जिस समय जहाँ कहीं भी जिस किसी यत्न से बुद्धि, कीर्ति, सद्गति, विभूति (ऐश्वर्य) और भलाई पाई है, सो सब सत्संग का ही प्रभाव समझना चाहिए। वेदों में और लोक में इनकी प्राप्ति का दूसरा कोई उपाय नहीं है॥3॥
26.27.28) The result of dipping into the sacred waters of this king of holy places is instantly
perceived:crows turn into cuckoos and herons into swans. Let no one marvel to hear this; the glory of contact with saints is no secret.

Valmiki†, Nårada‡ and Agastya§, who was born of a pitcher, have related the story of their birth and transformation with their own lips. Of the various creatures, both animate and inanimate, living in this world,whether in water or on land or in the air, whoever has ever attained wisdom, glory,salvation, material prosperity or welfare anywhere and by any means whatsoever, know it to be the result of association with holy men; there is no other means either in the world or in the Vedas. 

† Valmiki had been a hunter and a highway robber in his early life. He was reclaimed by the seven seers and eventually turned out a great seer and poet.

‡ We read in the Bhågavata that Nårada was the son of a maid-servant in his previous incarnation and even as a child came in touch with holy men, who imparted him the highest wisdom and made him a real devotee by their very contact. In his next birth he appeared as a mind-born son of Brahmå.

§ Agastya was begotten of god Varuna through a pitcher. Another great sage, Vashishth, was also born of the same pitcher. The association thus obtained in his embryonic state with a great sage made him equally great.

*My understanding : Satsang( meeting of good thoughts in the form of communication between people) is a wonderful stair for success. Whatever you want in life you will get through satsang . Money, Fame , God whatever........
जय श्री राम।


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