
दोहा :
* सुनि समुझहिं जन मुदित मन मज्जहिं अति अनुराग।
लहहिं चारि फल अछत तनु साधु समाज प्रयाग॥2॥
भावार्थ:-जो मनुष्य इस संत समाज रूपी तीर्थराज का प्रभाव प्रसन्न मन से सुनते और समझते हैं और फिर अत्यन्त प्रेमपूर्वक इसमें गोते लगाते हैं, वे इस शरीर के रहते ही धर्म, अर्थ, काम, मोक्ष- चारों फल पा जाते हैं॥2॥

25.Men who having heard the glory of this moving Prayåga in the form of the
assemblage of holy men, appreciate it with an enraptured mind and then take a plunge
into it with extreme devotion obtain the four rewards* of human existence during their
very lifetime.
*The four rewards of human existence are: (1) Dharma (2) Artha  (3) Kåma (4) Moksha 

*My understanding:
#Dharma (धर्म) is that which makes you human, which enables you to take decision that makes you human._ @Dr. Dev dutt patnaik
Artha and kaam are result of Karma(कर्म). Karma is the ecosystem of action and reaction.
#Artha (अर्थ) which gives pleasure to senses, like food, water, air.
Kaam (काम) which gives pleasure to mind and heart (जो मन की भावनाओं को पूर्ण करे और निरन्तर नयी आकांक्षाओं को पैदा करे।) . _ Rajiv Tiwary 
#Moksha is about letting go ,letting  go of opinions, family, relationships, quarrels.(छोड़ो यार ,आगे बढ़ो) _ @ डॉ देवदत्त पटनायक.
In my word living in present is Moksha. Leave the past and look forward.

जय श्री राम।


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