“धर्म बड़ा या देश”? It’s just like asking “अक्ल बड़ी कि भैंस”.The silly thing is that we knew the right answer when we were child. Apply your and only your mind into it.You will get the answer.Why do we say that mind is bigger than the Buffalo in spite of it's large size as seen by naked eyes. Because of the fact that human mind has चेतना (consciousness, imagination) which has no boundary.
It's like comparing ocean with a well.
Likewise dharma is अनन्त (infinite), it has infinite boundaries, it is beyond imagination. when thing and thought combine to become one entity dharma takes birth. so when you will realize yourself then and then only you will understand the true meaning of Dharma.


  1. The post is in hindi and english.so please read in hindi edition


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